VVAW: Vietnam Veterans Against the War
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It all started in 1967, with six Vietnam veterans marching together in a peace demonstration. Now, fifty-seven years later, VVAW is still going strong-- continuing its fight for peace, justice, and the rights of all veterans.

Explore these pages; see what we've done, what we do, and why we do it. The struggle continues, perhaps these days more than ever. VVAW has never stopped working to protect the welfare of those who served their country.

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march Latest Commentary: From the National Office Our politics and political unity were forged in our opposition to the war in Vietnam. Some of us were drafted, others volunteered. Many fought in the jungles, some in the rear or offshore. Many of our fathers and uncles fought fascism. All of us changed...

Taken from "On the Necessity of Struggle" by Bill Branson Read More

View and sign the Barry Romo Memorial Guestbook

Excerpt From  THE VETERAN:  Now Online

Taken from Ben Chitty - ¡Presente! by Priscilla Murolo:

Priscilla Murolo's tribute at Ben Chitty's memorial Ben Chitty knew a lot about pain and how to make it a force for good in the world. Below you can see Ben before he had learned much on either subject. He did know discontent. He had inherited an enticingly comfortable spot in a very small world and yearned for something more. He didn't yet know that the something more can hurt like hell. This Ben Chitty had his picture taken in San Diego in 1966, right before he went to Vietnam for the first time. He was eighteen years old. A few months earlier, when he had visited me in Connecticut, my sixteen-year-old eyes had seen him as a man of the world. He was scarcely more than a child. Now, consider Ben Chitty, the scholar of medieval studies, upon his graduation from Swarthmore in 1972. That man, age twenty-four, had more than a passing acquaintance with pain.... Read More